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SPGridView and Right-aligning Header-text

·157 words·1 min
Sebastiaan Brozius
Sebastiaan Brozius

SPGridView is a really nice control. One of the problems I have encountered with it, is that when you set a column to show its header-text right-aligned, you can wait all you want, it will not happen.

Did some more searching in the internet today, and found a solution I based my final implementation on.

First, create a private generic List if integers for the application :

List<int> rightAlignCellsGridView = new List<int>() { };

Now, create the columns and set HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign to HorizontalAlign.Right for the columns where you want the headertext right-aligned.

Next, after adding the SPGridView to the controls-collection, use the following:

foreach (DataControlField col in this.gridView.Columns.OfType<DataControlField>().Where(c =>
    c.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign == HorizontalAlign.Right &amp;&amp; c.Visible == true))

Next, add an event to the SPGridView’s RowDataBound-event and add the following code there:

switch (e.Row.RowType)
   case DataControlRowType.Header:
     foreach (int idx in rightAlignColGridView)
       e.Row.Cells[idx].Style.Add(&quot;text-align&quot;, &quot;right&quot;);

Now, compile and watch the results…