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UpdatePanel-usage in SharePoint SP1+ WebParts

·123 words·1 min
Sebastiaan Brozius
Sebastiaan Brozius

Yeah, I know… I promised to deliver some source-code…. Still working on the stuff, though

I’m trying to AJAX-ify the WebPart. Since Service Pack 1 both WSS3 and MOSS2007 have AJAX-support. So, I thought I would add an UpdatePanel-control to my WebPart and make things happen. However, there still needs to be some configuration done in the web.config. I ran into a very very helpful link here. Omit the lines with “AJAXControlKit”. These are not needed, and in fact generate errors. Unless you have the AJAX Control Kit installed… Which you do not need for UpdatePanel to work…

This link helped me too, in preventing a full postback…

This link provides some more info on UpdatePanels and UpdateProgress and sorts… also really useful.