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Exchange - Listing mailboxes, mailbox-type and if the account is enabled

·61 words·1 min
Sebastiaan Brozius
Sebastiaan Brozius

I’ve been working with Exchange some more, lately, where I’ve also had to generate an overview of the mailboxes, mailbox-types and if the underlying account is enabled or not. This had to be exported to a CSV-file. I came to the next lines of code for that:

$AllMailboxes = Get-Mailbox
$AllMailboxes | select Name,PrimarySmtpAddress,DistinguishedName,OrganizationalUnit,RecipientTypeDetails,@{Name="AccountEnabled";Expression={(Get-ADUser $_.DistinguishedName).Enabled}} | Export-Csv "~\Documents\AllMailboxes_$((Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmm")).csv" -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation